Tar cheatsheet

Since I often find myself searching for examples using tar I thought I’d compile some examples using the settings I most commonly use.

Create a new archive called archive.tar from the files contained in /some/directory.

tar -cvf archive.tar /some/directory

Create a new archive called archive.tar from all of the ruby (_.rb_) files in the current directory.

tar -cvf archive.tar *.rb

View the contents of an archive called archive.tar

tar -ft archive.tar

Add the file file.

txt to the existing archive; archive.tar

tar -rvf archive.tar file.txt

Extract the archive into the current directory.

tar -xvf archive.tar

Extract the file; file.txt from the archive archive.tar

tar -xvf archive.tar file.txt

Written on 23 Dec 2009 and categorised in NIX, tagged as tar and examples

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